Care Respect Inspire

Year 6 Transition

We understand that transition to secondary school is both an exciting and anxious time for students and parents. To support students to feel confident when they begin Year 7 there are many ways that our pastoral team arrange to help answer any questions and help students find their feet.

  • Visits to primaries: Staff will visit all Year 6 students in their primary school in the summer term.
  • Induction Evening: All parents will be invited into school for an induction evening in July. This year’s presentation:

  • Induction Day: All students are invited into school to spend some time with their new form and in some sample lessons
  • Summer Camp: The school hold a summer holiday camp at a local Outwards Bound centre to help students get to know some of their fellow students and new staff.

Enhanced Transition

Transition of students with SENDHow will the school help my child move to a new group/year group or to a different school?

Children and young people with SEND can become particularly anxious about “moving on” so we seek to support successful transition by:

When moving to another school: We will contact the School SENDCO and share information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals.

We will ensure that all records are passed on as soon as possible.

When moving groups/forms in school: Information is shared with the new teacher.

In year 6 – 7 transition: The SENDCO will attend the Primary/Secondary Transition day meeting to discuss specific need of your child and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact.

In some cases additional multi-agency meetings may be arranged to create a more detailed “transition” plan which may include more visits to the new school and/or additional visits from the new school.

Students will only be selected for this plan by the SENDCO at Pensby High School in consultation with the Primary Schools. Unfortunately, it is not possible to agree to parental requests.

Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan