Care Respect Inspire

Big Bang Final at the NEC 13th & 14th March 2019

Following their success at the regional Big Bang science fair in July 2018, William Croft and Hannah Pyle were chosen as finalists to represent Pensby and the North West at the national Big Bang Science Fair at the NEC in Birmingham.

Both students presented their project, “How Polarising is your drink?” which allows people to find out how much sugar is in their drink, even if they have no ingredients list or they have been handed a drink at a party.

Thousands of visitors came to the fair and Will and Hannah explained to judges, school children, scientists, teachers and even TV personalities how their experiment worked. Many were very impressed not only by the work they had done, but by their enthusiasm and their ability to explain the project clearly. We had very good feedback from several judges. We didn’t come back with a further award, but with a wealth of knowledge about what is possible when you try something new, and more ideas of where science and technology is helping to solve some of the world’s problems.

Hannah and Will were fantastic ambassadors for Pensby High School.


Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan